Errant Structures 2015

26 Sep 2015 : Bundanon Trust, Illaroo, NSW, Australia

Initiated and directed by Alan Schacher and designed and created by and with NIDA second year Staging students, Errant Structures was made for Bundanon’s annual Siteworks Event with theme of The Feral Amongst Us. We take the idea of Feral Architecture into the performative, our structures run amok. In their tumultuous and chaotic reorganisation they threaten to devour and swallow up habitats, favouring error, catastrophe, inevitable decay. These constructions morph animal and organized matter, signalling what might remain after mankind has exited. With a mind of their own, they are inappropriate, will not stand for the purpose for which they were intended. Three constructions were made: a humpy or shelter which could move around like a wombat or hedgehog, a dunny or outdoor toilet which behaved like an aggressive bird, and a breathing rubbish heap of discarded objects. All construction was done at NIDA in Sydney and then transported and assembled on site. The works all relied on compressed air for their animation.

Project Details
Dates 26 Sep 2015
Duration 1 day
Collaborators NIDA (National Institute of Dramatic Arts, Sydney), Staging Department: Nicholas Day (Head), Joe Gleeson & Kieren Dew (students):
Producer John Baylis at Bundanon Trust:
Category installations
Credits photos: Alan Schacher